Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Spoken Space

As part of Wet Ink, I am performing at this.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009


To diversify my output, and for fun, I have been writing articles on poetry for the Booktrust weblog, and you can see my most recent effort here, discussing Tim Atkins' Folklore and Sascha Aurora Akhtar's The Grimoire of Grimalkin. Clearly, I am over the lunamoon just at the thought that "Grimoire" and "poetry" can be expressed within the same paragraph. Whoopty. Both brilliant books, both addressing language as material and as a system to be moulded and eviscerated, artistically of course. Perhaps that's too strong a term: fiddled with. The G of G addresses many postmodern philosophical concerns, among them ideas of the rhizome and polyglossia - both of interest to me and certainly familiar, esp. with reference to the rhizomatic nature of the internet, communal virtual texts and the construction of many-voiced many-linked text. MA flashback.

I can now also be found on New Writing South's Pirandello writer's database as a writer looking for writing wordwork.